Saturday’s Forage (3/14)

Saturday’s forage included yet another out-of-town guest, this one from Vermont, where they take local fooding seriously. Really seriously. (Google Vermont food sovereignty and peruse the articles to get the full sense of it!)

We began at the Wholesome Wave (Westport Farmers Market) in Fairfield and scored:

We made our way up to Bethel to Holbrook Farm where we got some fresh mixed greens. On Saturday, April 4th, Holbrook’s is hosting a program featuring America’s Best Known Forager, “Wildman” Steve Brill (at 9:30 AM). The day includes a two-hour walking tour of the farm’s naturally edible surroundings and a lunch prepared from the findings. I signed up and am looking forward to my first real forage.

Then on to McLaughlin Vineyards for a tasting! By the way, if anyone knows anyone making local crackers, Dee Dee would like to carry them in the gift shop.

3 thoughts on “Saturday’s Forage (3/14)”

  1. I keep reading about all the support for local food in VT and get jealous of how so many towns/communities are taking steps to encourage it – wish we had the same. Your forage sounds fun. I was in Bethel on Saturday for the maple open house, and had no idea Holbrook was still selling – is it every week?

  2. As the out-of-town guest who was fortunate enough to forage along with Sophie on this past Saturday, an abundance of kudos to my long-time friend for her passionate approach to the localvore movement….. not to mention, it was all good eating! “…these fragile times should never slip us by…”

    Thanks, also, to Lisa of Goatboy Soaps for the gifted bar.

  3. Hey Mango: Holbrook’s just opened for the season. Tell me about the maple open house.

    Hey Phyllis: It was excellent having you! Thanks for the granola and the Sapling! Funny, I was thinking, “It seems to me a crime that we should age” myself!!

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