Local Meal of the Week (DDELC09/10 #11)

This week’s Dark Days Eat Local Challenge meal was Red Wine Braised Short Ribs and the recipe was locally sourced as well as the food! (The recipe is from Fine Cooking, which is published by Taunton Press, a local business.)

I was faithful to the recipe, substituting ingredients only to favor local, seasonal fare.

I served it with mashed potatoes:

This dish is simple to make. It has a fabulous flavor and the beef seems to melt in your mouth. It’s a comforting winter meal with a special occasion taste.

2 thoughts on “Local Meal of the Week (DDELC09/10 #11)”

  1. Try Local Raw Milk in your foods or alone. The cream that comes to the top of the milk bottle is so delicious. And Raw Milk is good for you.

    Read David Gumpter’s Book; “The Raw Milk Revolution – Behind America’s emerging Battle Over Food Rights.”

    It is all about the animals. It is about us. About the farmers and Principles of the Farm. Time we get back to it in a bog way and fast.

    Thank you.

    Ed Hartz
    The Milkman

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