Working the Land

I came across the Working the Land Web site which is a site devoted to Connecticut farm land and a documentary about the same.

The site describes it as: “Working the Land, a new documentary from SimonPure Productions, tells the compelling story of state agriculture – from its earliest history to its present-day diversity. The program also explores trends affecting farming in the state and the public policy that shapes its future. Along the way, we visit many picturesque state farms and meet the farmers who work the land and waters of Connecticut.”

I ordered the Working the Land video on DVD and watched it. It’s an interesting and well-made documentary, narrated by Sam Waterston. I learned quite a few things and I’d recommend this video to anyone with even a remote interest in Connecticut farming.

Since becoming a local foodie, I’ve been researching farms in my spare time, trying to replace my old, worldly pantry with a new, sustainable pantry. I have lists: lists of farms I’ve visited, lists of farms I intend to visit, and lists of farms that feed me that I’ve never visited (Farmer’s Market and Natural food stores vendors). Much of the video featured farmers talking about their farms. I had to laugh at myself–whenever there was a farmer from one of my lists, I was cheering at the screen: that’s one of my farms!