Foraging and Dark Days 2008-09 Eat Local Challenge

It was wonderful foraging at the Wooster Square Market in New Haven on Saturday (apart from it being 24°). There was an uptown kind of bustle going on, this being the “last local shopping day” before the holiday. And it is a food holiday.


I picked up numerous items, most of which will end up in Thanksgiving Dinner. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving–it is a holiday between eaters, their farmers, and Nature. I am very grateful for my farmers.

Tonight’s Dark Days 2008-09 Eat Local Challenge dinner was fairly simple (given the holiday prepping). We had:


4 thoughts on “Foraging and Dark Days 2008-09 Eat Local Challenge”

  1. Hey there! Nice job with the local meal, I love kale, especially now that the frost has had a chance to hit it a bit. You know, I was thinking the same thing over the weekend about Thanksgiving and really being aware of where this good food that we are lucky to have comes from, and the farmers who make it possible. Especially through the winter, at the market and in the foods we’ve stored. Very grateful indeed. Any plans for the holiday meal? I got some amazing greens (collard, swiss chard, kale, mustard greens) that are definitely making their way to the table on Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. Thank you Mangochild and a Happy Thanksgiving to you to. Oh yes, I have plans! My immediate family with spouses and children will be here and I am working on getting this Thanksgiving to be as local as possible.

  3. Wow, that is some cold weather to venture out in! What a meal too – I can’t believe you were able to find local wine. I’m not much of a wine person, so I’ve never sought it out, I know there are a few wineries in Missouri though.

    And yum, those potatoes and kale. I love kale…..

    I hope you and yours have a great Thanksgiving, I look forward to seeing what you all chowed down on!

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