Local Meal of the Week (#5)

For the week ending Sunday, December 21, 2008, I have a few Dark Days Eat Local Challenge meals.

Beginning with last Sunday (dinner got to the table too late to post):


Wednesday was ratatouille with smoked sausages. The ratatouille was made and frozen in the late summer/early fall when eggplant and zucchini were plentiful. The freezer bag says “Entirely Local Except Olive Oil.” Vegetables are predominantly from Waldingfield Farm. The sausages were leftover from last week. I used this ratatouille recipe at Cooking for Engineers — without the mushrooms. (I love the recipes on this site.)


Sorry about the condition of the picture…

Saturday was a pan seared veal chop with miatake mushrooms (previously dried), both from Sankow’s Beaver Brook and sauteed broccoli rabe greens (from the freezer, originally from Waldingfield Farm).


Very happy food week around these parts. (Happy if you like snow too.)

4 thoughts on “Local Meal of the Week (#5)”

  1. Happy food indeed. Can you believe the snow?? It has been coming down here pretty much non-stop since about 2pm on Friday afternoon. Amazing. Your meals sound perfect for the weather, so cozy and comforting, especially the roasted veg. How do you like celeriac? Aren’t the purple potatoes beautiful? Last week I got some from the Fairfield winter market…. like jewels. I love that you made the whole ratatouille together and froze it in the bag – awesome idea.

  2. You sure HAVE managed to feed yourself well. I certainly wish I had enough foresight to make and freeze some ratatouille when the ingredients were in season, that sounds wonderful. And all the root veggies – yum! It’s amazing that, with a little preparation and effort, you can feed yourself locally without too much trouble.

  3. Well, we’ll see how long it all lasts…the freezer’s small and it’s a long way until the next harvest. But while it’s here, I intend to enjoy! (That is if I can keep the critters, small and large, from making off with my stores…)

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