Local Meal of the Week (#6)

I had a wonderful Christmas and I hope that whatever holiday you celebrate, it was wonderful. Since I don’t host Christmas or Christmas Eve, the week was as non-local as it gets. We’re Italian and there are things we must have and sadly, they don’t grow in Connecticut in the winter! Nonetheless, all of the food I ate (and there was a lot of it) was wonderful.

This week’s local meal was simple and healthy:


Y’know, it never gets the attention it deserves in these challenges, but breakfast was oatmeal (from Wild Hive Farm) drizzed with honey (from the apiary of Jerry Soltisiak in Easton, CT) with raw milk from Foxfire Farm.

3 thoughts on “Local Meal of the Week (#6)”

  1. Sometimes we have to put our local eating aside for family activities, I wouldn’t feel too bad about it, especially after considering how well you do the rest of the time, I certainly am impressed.

    Those potatoes and the broccoli look wonderful. Local broccoli didn’t really pan out here in Missouri this year, I was only able to get it twice and it is one of my very favorite veggies! 🙁

    Wahoo about the local oats! I have been making homemade granola bars using what nuts are available to me locally, local honey, and locally made nut butters, but haven’t found any oats, that would be wonderful though.

  2. Jennifer: Can you really not get local oats in Missouri?! (Or do I just have a stereotypical Yankee view of what grows in the midwest?)

  3. Did you hear? I called Wild Hive the other day about their oats, and they told me that there was such unexpected demand that they are out of them for the year! What is left is what they are saving for seed. Boo! Though its great that people are eating more locally and/or supporting the farm. I envy you the oats, I just ran out of mine, so no more until next year. I guess this is what you were talking about in a way, even things that I had planned to be available without too much trouble can short out when the unexpected happens.

    What are carola potatoes?

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