Potato Harvest

I found out I can begin harvesting my potatoes because the leaves are yellowing and/or withering away. I also found out that I can leave them in the ground for storage and safe-keeping—unless I have moles or voles (in which case, I need to harvest now to beat them to the goods).

I decided to pilfer a few and check them out:


Not too shabby for a late bloomer! And so tasty too!

2 thoughts on “Potato Harvest”

  1. Congrats on your own potatoes! How much space do they take? I heard about growing in thost tall containers/bins, or bags that then keep getting filled with more soil as they grow….. do you do them in-ground?

  2. MC: I used a 4’x4′ raised bed. It wasn’t a big planting year here. I have two other raised beds where I grew nothing.

    I didn’t do any hilling although it would have increased the yield. I’ve been luckier with the potatoes than I deserved to be.

    I’ve also heard about growing potatoes in garbage bags as well as garbage cans, tires, etc.

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