Saturday’s Forage, 2/28/2010

This week’s forage was short and close to home. The Fairfield Winter Market was canceled due to the snow and it was an off week for the New Haven Wooster Market. Thank goodness for New Morning Natural Foods, where I scored these local items:

Not a bad catch for the day. For the rest, there’s the freezer!

2 thoughts on “Saturday’s Forage, 2/28/2010”

  1. The South Salem market was closed as well, due to the snow, and things are looking pretty slim in my pantry. Good thing for the freezer, and the jars and jars of preserves!

    Wave Hill does not use local grains? I thought it said “locally grown grains” right on the bread bag? Maybe it’s just that it’s locally milled. I’ve always thought they were completely local. Argh!

  2. I forgot where Wave Hill gets their grains, but I recall they weren’t local. They do mill it themselves. They’re a small shop, do lots by hand in small batches, and crafted a delicious bread. They fall into the second tier of my what-should-I-eat model.

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