Dark Days Eat Local Challenge, Week #17

This week’s Dark Days Eat Local Challenge meal was provided nearly entirely by Wild Hive Bakery & Café: Ravioli with a Creme Fraiche sauce.

Ravioli and Creme Fraiche

The ravioli were homemade by Wild Hive using:

I tossed the cooked ravioli in some melted Ronny Brook Creme Fraiche and sprinkled on some dried parsley (from Newtown Cedar Hill Farm, dried).

This was the easiest challenge meal ever! I like slow food and I don’t mind if someone else does the slow part.

By the way, the challenge is still going strong until the end of March, with the last recap being posted in early April.

The months following the DDELC are interesting up here in the northeast. Ramps, fiddleheads, and asparagus will soon be coming up and then finally, the bounty of summer! If anyone’s interested in doing a few months of a clear-out-the-freezer-and-pantry-to-make-room-for the-new-stuff challenge, let me know.

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