Saturday’s Forage, 4/17/2010

This week’s forage was a short loop- Holbrook Farm and New Morning Natural Foods with an excursion to Rich Farm.

At Holbrook’s, a cheese tasting was in-progress. They’re carrying a larger selection of cheeses, including Cato Corner, Beltane, and Sprout Creek Farm from local sources, and the tasting was an opportunity to introduce their customers to these new offerings.

I scored:

  • a couple of bunches of ramps (HT to Kaela—check out her post learn all about ramps)
  • a big bag of loose spinach (obviously in need of morels)
  • a big bag of mixed greens, mostly arugula, with a pick-my-own private lesson from John (who shied out of a video). Picking greens with John is more than an educational experience: Here, taste this. Now this. Whaddya think of that? Ever taste anything like that?! No charge for all the greens I consumed while picking!
  • cheese: Womanchego and Vivace Bambino from Cato Corner and Ourey and Doe Re Me from Sprout Creek Farm

By the way, Holbrook’s is back to their regular season hours: 9 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Saturday.

Then on to New Morning where I scored:

  • Stone Wall Dairy raw milk
  • Deerfield yogurt

I missed the fiddleheads, but am now on a call list!

Then it was off to Rich Farm with the kids for the first ice cream of the season.