CSA, Week 7

I’m not usually the member of the household who gets to go to the Sandy Hook Organic Farmers’ Market for our CSA pick-up. The market is open from 2-6 PM and I’m not generally in the neighborhood during those hours. However, this week it needed to be me and so I went.

Boy, have I been missing out. This is a most excellent Farmer’s Market. There’s music, fresh popcorn, and the pop-up tents are arranged like like a little village.

August 5 was the seventh week of our CSA (Waldingfield Farm, pick-up point Sandy Hook Organic Farmer’s Market). Our bounty included:

– lots of red lettuce
– green beans
– patty pan squash
– cucumbers
– green bell peppers
– heirloom tomatoes
– yellow squash
– kale
– jalapeno and chili peppers

Patrick of Waldingfield Farm, serving a customer:

My local dinner (no challenge) was:
A salad of red lettuce (from Waldingfield), a sliced hard-boiled egg (from Arno’s in Kent), shaved cheese (from Sankow’s Beaver Brook), basil (from Stoneledge Hollow), and a sliced pickled jalapeno (from Sister CG at Bluestone Farm). I drizzled some of Waldingfield’s salad dressing over it.