I just renewed my membership to CT NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) and this is one annual check I do not mind writing.

Their tagline is “Cultivating an Organic Connecticut since 1982.” They were organic before organic was cool. Just to put it in perspective, the U.S. President in 1982 thought ketchup was a vegetable.

Being a member of this organization has proven to be rewarding. Here’s what membership gets you:

  • Gleanings, a quarterly publication full of Connecticut organic agriculture news and coming events, regional NOFA activities, educational programs and practical knowledge.
  • The Natural Farmer, published four times per year, containing news and features on organic agriculture throughout the seven states which make up NOFA.
  • Reduced admission to CT NOFA events and the Annual NOFA Summer Conference.
  • The Annual CT NOFA Farm & Food Guide.
  • The Annual NOFA Guide to Organic Land Care.
  • A statewide and regional voice for your organic values.

The Natural Farmer alone would be worth the membership fee!

Consider joining this exceptional organization. You do not have to be a farmer to be a member!

2 thoughts on “CT NOFA”

  1. Sophie,

    Thanks for letting people know about CT NOFA! The organization is really more than just another nonprofit, it is a wonderful community of people who make lots of things possible and thank you for using a blog entry to let people know about it.

    Kimball, former Board member of CT NOFA

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