That’s what I’m talkin’ about!

Perhaps you’ve heard of Westport, CT. It’s on Connecticut’s Gold Coast and it’s not inexpensive to live there. It’s even possible that some of the local and sustainable foodies in Westport are precisely those from whom down-to-earth-not-wholefoodsnation local foodies would seek to distance themselves. And yet, here’s this cool thing going on in Westport.

[They are going] to lease the Wakeman farmhouse and grounds to Westport GVI Town Farm Inc., an independent non-profit organization in town.

The idea behind the farm lease is to create a homestead and then utilize the 2.2-acre parcel as a teaching farm for the people of Westport. Raised garden beds will be used to teach how to plant, grow, harvest and preserve food.

The article goes on to acknowledge:

Westport actually started out as a thriving farming community so many of its residents are sitting on prime agricultural land. The 2-acre zoning in most of Westport is ideal for families to have their own “homestead,” complete with raised vegetable beds, fruit trees, even chickens. This demonstration garden will be the teaching ground to move towards a lifestyle that is more sustainable, healthy and natural.

The idea of families growing their own food is taking hold throughout the country. Sometimes called “the 100-mile diet,” “locavore movement,” “slow food” or “turning a lawn into lunch,” the basic principle is the same: moving away from industrial food towards locally grown natural foods that are sustainable, healthy and environmentally friendly.

You may be wondering, who is Westport GVI? Check them out.

a new grass roots non-profit established in mid-2008 to support Westporters passionate about creating local environmental and community change.

To a NEW year!

2 thoughts on “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”

  1. I heard about this and it definitely brought a smile to my face. Good to know that there is a slant towards teaching and growth there.

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